0-500 Kg. Complete with one briquette mould and set of weights to weigh 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg. without lead shot.
0-900 Kg. The instrument employs of friction free, accurate, double, lever system, the load being applied by means sliding weight on the top lever The capacity of the unit is 900 kgs. After fixing the briquette in the jaws, the machine is swithched on. The sliding weights slides over the calibrated lever thus applying tension to the specimen. A micron-Switch fitted instantly stops the machine on failure of the briquette and on failure the tensile load is accurately read to 0.5 Kg by means of a marker provided on the sliding weight. The machine can be made operationable for subsequent test only after bringing the sliding the weight to its zero position. Suitable for operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles, single phase, A.C. supply. Complete with one brass briquette mould and one base plate.
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